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SIX STEPS TO STOP THE SPREAD - For Families & Visitors
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COVID-19: Senior Australians urged to stay vigilant
Senior Australians have been urged to stay vigilant as the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19 continues.
Senior Australians have been urged to stay vigilant as the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19 continues.
While the easing of restrictions across most States and Territories means those aged over 65 can start re-engaging in community, senior Victorians should closely follow advice as authorities work to contain emerging clusters.
It comes as the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) updated its advice for the management of health risk as COVID-19 measures lift.
Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians Richard Colbeck said vulnerable and older members of every community remained a priority as both Federal and State governments navigated the challenges of the pandemic.
There remains a substantial increase in risk of severe COVID-19 illness in people aged over 70.
“We are not through the woods yet but support measures are in place to ensure senior Australians across the country get the support they need,” Minister Colbeck said.
“We continue to monitor the situation in Victoria and will offer advice as both tiers of government work together to stop the spread and save lives.”
He said elsewhere the stable low number of cases of COVID-19 has permitted progressive relaxation of travel and other distancing restrictions.
“The risk of becoming infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 depends on the chance of being close to someone with COVID-19 or coming into contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus,” Minister Colbeck said.
“Because of this, the local pattern of disease is the most important determinant of risk of contracting COVID-19 illness in any community. If there are no cases or a low number of cases and no evidence of community transmission, then the risk of exposure is low – regardless of age or health conditions.”
Minister Colbeck said in areas outside Victoria, residents previously categorized as at higher risk of becoming ill could return to work and recreation activity provided they followed precautions.
Social distancing, practising good hygiene and downloading the COVIDSafe app were all key to ensuring Australia could prevent significant second wave of infections.
“It is essential that people stay up to date,” Minister Colbeck said. “And, if case numbers do increase, like the recent increase we’ve seen in some areas of Victoria, everyone needs to take personal responsibility for their activities, interactions and to consider how these might affect their exposure to COVID-19.”
Where case have increased residents should consider:
Individual risk and risk to others;
The level of transmission of COVID-19 where they live and travel; and
Which interactions and activities can happen safely or should still be postponed.
“Each person has a personal responsibility to protect themselves, to protect loved ones and the wider community,” Minister Colbeck said.
“People will have different things that are important to them and will be comfortable with different levels of risk.
“Travel to areas with higher case numbers, or going to events with people from areas with higher case numbers, may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19, and people need to carefully consider this.”
He said the Federal Government continues to be guided by the advice of the AHPC.
“We are all closely watching how the outbreak progresses in Victoria and it is important to follow medical advice as it is updated,” Minister Colbeck said.
“We are facing an extraordinary health challenge and we need to work together to protect the people we loved most.”
The new Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line for older Australians is available Monday to Friday, except public holidays from 8.30am to 6.00pm on 1800 171 866.
My Aged Care can be contacted by phone on 1800 200 422 from Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm and Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm.
The latest AHPPC advice for vulnerable Australians can be found on the Department of Health website.
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If your doctor has assessed you as being of increased risk and high risk of severe illness if you contract COVID-19 then this Action Plan is designed to help you manage your risk related to COVID-19.
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INFORMATION SHEET - It's ok to have home care (COVID-19)
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COVID-19 - Advice for people most at risk & older people from The Department of Health
People most at risk
Your risk of serious illness from coronavirus increases if you -
• Are aged 70 years or over
• Are aged 65 years or over and have a chronic medical condition
• Are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person aged 50 years and over who has a chronic medical condition
There is currently no cure or vaccine for coronavirus, or immunity in the community, so you need to protect yourself.
Protecting yourself
Good hygiene and taking care when interacting with other people are the best ways for you and your family to use against coronavirus. This includes -
• Covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
• Disposing of used tissues immediately into a rubbish bin and washing your hands straight after
• Washing your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, including before and after eating, after going to the toilet, and when you have been out to shops or other public places
• Using alcohol-based hand sanitisers (60% alcohol)
• Cleaning and disinfecting any surfaces you may have touched
• Staying 1.5 metres away from other people
• Staying at home and avoiding contact with others
• Avoid any non-essential travels
• Consider having the chemist deliver your medicines
• Consider having your groceries and essential items delivered to your home
Symptoms include (but are not limited to) fever, a dry cough, tiredness, a sore throat and difficulty breathing.
If you develop mild symptoms of COVID-19 -
• Isolate yourself from others at home and use a separate bathroom, if possible
• Use a surgical mask when around other people. If you don’t have a mask, practise good sneeze/cough hygiene
• Washing your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, including before and after eating, after going to the toilet, and when you have been out to shops or other public places
• Call a doctor and tell them about your symptoms and whether you have had contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Assistance with food and meals
If you are not registered with My Aged Care and are 65 years old or over, you can phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. They will ask you some questions to help you register and the services can be set up quickly for up to 6 weeks without the need for an assessment.
If you are already receiving aged care services, as a provider, we can assist you with access to regular food supplies and prepared meals or you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and they can refer you directly to these services in your local area.
How to seek medical help
If you have used the symptom checker and it advises you should seek help or get tested, you should call your GP or local hospital (don’t show up without calling first).
Prioritise online grocery ordering
The Department of Health have worked with a number of grocery suppliers, including Coles and Woolworths, on priority access to their online and telephone shopping service for older and vulnerable people.
If you are registered with My Aged Care, you can provide your My Aged Care ID number to access priority delivery.
If you are not registered with My Aged Care and you are 65 years or over, you can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. My Aged Care will ask you some questions to help you register.
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